
Being proactive is a key value that guides our work in numerous ways. It can take on many different forms within an organization.

Proactivity involves taking action before an upcoming situation, instead of only responding to it. It means being in charge and making things happen instead of simply adapting to a situation or expecting something to occur. So, what does proactivity look like at bpExperts?

Value Owner: Marijan Divkovic

Proactivity has different faces at bpExperts

  • Our colleague realized that our website was in need of some design improvements, and took the opportunity to come up with a complete new company design.

  • Some of our colleagues engage in charity and invest some of the revenue we make into charity organisations. Currently the money is donated to the make a wish foundation.

  • For our team, proactivity is about anticipation and action or, in other words, it is about thinking several steps ahead and acting accordingly.


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